Difference between Unix, Linux and Ubuntu. What do they actually mean?

When I started learning about Operating systems, I was totally confused about their differences. Because I found that the name Unix, Linux, Ubuntu are used interchangeably. So I can not get their differences completely. And many of the new learners find these terms confusing. For that reason, in this article, I try to explain these terms in as much plain English as possible. First, In a broad sense, all of the above terms(Unix, Linux, Ubuntu) are referring to the operating system and they are closely related to each other but not the same. UNIX Unix is an operating system with some core features like: M ulti-tasking (Running multiple applications like a text editor, audio player, pdf reader at the same time) M ulti-user (Different people logged in a single system at the same time) Cross-platform (A convenient platform for programmers to develop applications and run on that system and other Unix like systems) After developing Unix, It has...